9911172607 | 01140110666 | Mobile 09911172609| 9971127609| 9718112727 info@mktravelservices.com
ADDRESS Bangladesh High Commission EP-39, Dr. S. RadhaKrishnan Marg, Chanakyapuri New Delhi, Delhi 110021 Tel : +91 11 24121389-94 Fax : +91 11 26878953 Email : bdhcdelhi@gmail.com Website: http://www.bdhcdelhi.org/
BASIC REQUIREMENTS Passports at least have a validity of six months and at least two blank pages. Application Form to be online printed and signed by the applicant (Handwritten forms are not accepted now). 2 Recent photographs (size of 35-45 mm, white background). Covering Letter on Company’s Letterhead. Invitation Letter to be faxed directly from Bangladesh with fax no visible on it. The Invitation should also have name and designation of the authorized signatory along with the complete address and contact numbers of Bangladeshi Company.
TIME TAKEN 2-3 working days
SUBMISSION DAY Monday to Friday
SUBMISSION TIME 09:30 am – 11 am
COLLECTION DAY Monday to Friday
VISA FORM Bangladesh Visa Online Form Bangladesh Visa(Manual) Form
ADDRESS Bangladesh High Commission EP-39, Dr. S. RadhaKrishnan Marg, Chanakyapuri New Delhi, Delhi 110021 Tel : +91 11 24121389-94 Fax : +91 11 26878953 Email: bdhcdelhi@gmail.com Website: http://www.bdhcdelhi.org/
  • Passports at least have a validity of six months and at least two blank pages.
  • Application Form to be online printed and signed by the applicant (Handwritten forms are not accepted now).
  • 2 Recent photographs (size of 35-45 mm, white background).
  • Covering Letter on Company’s Letterhead (if on plain sheet, NOC from company)
  • Fax Hotel Confirmation from Dhaka to us.
Note: visas are issued for 1 month and single entry only, from the date of Submission.
TIME TAKEN 2-3 working days
SUBMISSION DAY Monday to Friday
SUBMISSION TIME 09:30 am – 11 am
COLLECTION DAY Monday to Friday
VISA FORM Bangladesh Visa Online Form Bangladesh Visa(Manual) Form