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VISA Process for Travelling to Australia

In this article you will learn about VISA Process for Travelling to Australia. Someone has rightly said, “Stop worrying about the world ending today; it’s already tomorrow in Australia.”

So what are you waiting for? Are you ready to fly for breathtakingly beautiful country-Australia? MK Travel Services is famous visa and travel expert who endeavors for the betterment of your travel experience.

Australia Visa process can be comprehended in 3 different scenarios:

Are you an Australian Citizen?

Are you a New Zealand Citizen? Or

Are you from a country other than Australia or New Zealand?

If you are an Australia Citizen:

Ø  You are not required Visa to return back to Australia

Ø  You will be required Valid Australian Passport with other important travel documents

If you are a New Zealand Citizen:

Ø  You have required a valid New Zealand Passport and in most of the cases, you will be granted an electronic Special category visa on Australia arrival, subject to meeting character and health requirements.

Ø  If you are a New Zealand citizen but carry a travel document other than a New Zealand passport, Visa will be required before traveling to Australia.

If you are from other countries than Australia or New Zealand:

Ø  Visa, a valid passport along with other important travel documents will be prerequisite.

All People arriving Australia is required to thorough and sign the document called an Incoming passenger card, which takes account of declarations about your character and health.

One must follow all laws and order of Australia and the conditions involved in the visa while living in Australia. Be specific, you must say goodbye to Australia before visa expiration. Cancellation of the visa and Penalties can be confronted for not obeying visa conditions and Australian laws.

Type of Visa

There are five visas for visiting Australia:·       

  • Visitor visa (subclass 600) ·
  • eVisitor (subclass 651)·
  • Medical Treatment visa (subclass 602)·
  • Electronic Travel Authority (subclass 601)·
  • Special Category visa (subclass 444) – New Zealand Citizens

Visitor visa (subclass 600) 


The Visitor visa is designed for people who are visiting Australia, either for tourism, study or business purposes in Australia by to 3, 6 or 12 months. A Visitor who is engaged in business activities while in Australia is neither permitted to do work or provide services to a business or organization in Australia nor sell goods or services to the public.

E Visitor (subclass 651) 

This is a free visa for multiple visits to Australia for people who hold passports from certain countries and want to visit Australia for tourism such as recreation, holidays, or seeing family or friends or business purposes such as attending a conference, or exploring business opportunities for up to three months at a time within a twelve-month period.

Medical Treatment visa (subclass 602) 


This visa is related to medical consultations or medical treatment in Australia. This medical treatment visa is not applicable to have medical treatment for surrogate motherhood.

Electronic Travel Authority (subclass 601) 

This visa allows the traveler to visit Australia as many times as you want, for up to a year, and stay for 3 months each visit. ETA visa is available to passport holders from a number of countries and regions, who live outside Australia.

Special Category visa (subclass 444) 

The Special Category visa is designed for New Zealand Citizens who want to visit Australia for work, tourism, study and stay and who hold a valid New Zealand passport.